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PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 9:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

NEW YORK OMNIBUS 2629 wrote:
....a proud and fortunate survivor of the "Hound's" glory days........


Fortunately, "America's Bus", has been very well preserved in several excellent museum's around the country, as well as in private ownership, around the world...
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 10:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

traildriver wrote:
NEW YORK OMNIBUS 2629 wrote:
....a proud and fortunate survivor of the "Hound's" glory days........


Fortunately, "America's Bus", has been very well preserved in several excellent museum's around the country, as well as in private ownership, around the world...


Agreed! Wink

"America's Bus", indeed, has long been an icon, and is more than deserving of preservation; in the "Where Are They Now?" chapter of "GREYHOUND SCENICRUISER" (McNally/Rayman) which was published in 2013, approximately 230 SCENICRUISERS were still with us (here and abroad)

"SECINCRUISER" rallies over the years have attracted enthusiasts from virtually everywhere.....including Australia! Shocked

This, alone, shows you just how much appeal this iconic bus still has!

The buses that have already been restored to their former glory are indeed the lucky ones; even today, there are those less-fortunate examples that sit, rusting and forlorn, in lonely fields or other far-flung locations.

Hopefully, one day, their turn at restoration will com.

It indeed HAS to be a monumental task to restore a SCENICRUISER (or any other vintage bus for that matter), trying to locate parts and other hardware that have not been in production for decades......talk about a labor of love! Very Happy

And...in just a few short years.......the legendary SCENICRUISER will be turning 70!!!!!! Shocked Shocked Shocked

Where have the years gone?? Rolling Eyes

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 4:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

traildriver wrote:
NEW YORK OMNIBUS 2629 wrote:
As a lifelong dog lover, "Lady Greyhound" indeed stole my heart early on........ Wink


Me too..
I currently have two rescued greyhound's in my family...
Donnie is a brown male, and Collie (short for Colleen), is a white with brown female...both very affectionate and lovable companion's....


You, my friend, are a VERY lucky man, having TWO beautiful "Hounds" in the family.

They sound like really handsome pups!

Recall, too, that wonderfully goofy Greyhound "Iggy", rescued by Ralph and Norton in the "Honeymooners" movie......that pup could MOVE (that is.......WHEN he felt like it!) Rolling Eyes


Last edited by NEW YORK OMNIBUS 2629 on Sun Apr 26, 2020 4:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 4:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

traildriver wrote:
NEW YORK OMNIBUS 2629 wrote:
"Hounds Of Yesterday"........




(courtesy: bus.nycsubway.org)

The first two have incorrect caption's,,,.those Silversides are not 4101's, maybe 4151's...
That unknown location in the third photo may be Newburgh, NY...GL did stop there on New York-Albany local's via US 9W...way back when.


Thanks for the correct info on these photos; it never ceases to amaze me as to how many errors (both subtle and glaring) one can find, when delving into vintage transportation artifacts.

Even in a number of otherwise well-done published works, you can often find an error that makes you wonder if anybody still "proof reads" these days....... Rolling Eyes

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 4:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Flashback now to 1975, and here we see a SCENICRUISER bringing up the rear of a line of chartered Old Looks; right here, you have one VERY nice little "bus museum"........ Wink


(courtesy: bus.nycsubway.org)
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 12:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's fun to imagine this...... Wink

Imagine if the "SCENICRUISER" had been TRAILWAYS "flagship" bus, while the "EAGLES" were designed and built for GREYHOUND!Shocked

In my large vintage toy bus collection, I have several tin "SCENICRUISER" buses that are in TRAILWAYS livery; however, I have yet to have seen a vintage toy EAGLE done up for GREYHOUND!

Now, this one is a HOOT!!......

I have these two very odd (and large) 1950's friction tin litho buses that are quite unusual looking (the closest prototype bus they somewhat resemble is a "GARWOOD". This general body type was a common one with tin toy Japanese buses of that era.

What is odd, is that, I have two identical buses, one lettered "GREYHOUND" (w/running dog), while the other is lettered "TRAILWAYS".....AND, also..... sports the "running dog" on both sides!! Shocked

A sign of things to come, in the distant future, perhaps......? Rolling Eyes

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 9:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

NEW YORK OMNIBUS 2629 wrote:
It's fun to imagine this...... Wink

Imagine if the "SCENICRUISER" had been TRAILWAYS "flagship" bus, while the "EAGLES" were designed and built for GREYHOUND!Shocked

In my large vintage toy bus collection, I have several tin "SCENICRUISER" buses that are in TRAILWAYS livery; however, I have yet to have seen a vintage toy EAGLE done up for GREYHOUND!

Now, this one is a HOOT!!......

I have these two very odd (and large) 1950's friction tin litho buses that are quite unusual looking (the closest prototype bus they somewhat resemble is a "GARWOOD". This general body type was a common one with tin toy Japanese buses of that era.

What is odd, is that, I have two identical buses, one lettered "GREYHOUND" (w/running dog), while the other is lettered "TRAILWAYS".....AND, also..... sports the "running dog" on both sides!! Shocked

A sign of things to come, in the distant future, perhaps......? Rolling Eyes


Not really odd...a simple matter of the toy manufacturer wanting to appeal to a larger market by using one toy, and decorating it with several different company paint scheme's, figuring that most customer's would not care about the inaccuracy of it...

As for "Greyhound Eagle's", long before Greyhound acquired Continental Trailways in the late '80's, along with the Eagle International bus plant in Texas and ordered Eagle buses for their fleet for the first time; there was the case of SKGL--Southern Kansas Greyhound Lines, who's route was from Kansas City to Tulsa. SKGL, later simply 'KG Lines", was jointly owned by Greyhound and Continental Trailways, and they had some Eagle equipment way back in the '60's. Management of this company alternated every couple of years between GL and CTS.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 12:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Thanks for jarring my memory on this one! Wink

In the book "TRAILWAYS BUSES" (by William A. Luke, and WHY wasn't an EAGLE gracing the cover??) there is a photo of one of the SKG Eagles (bus is signed "TULSA")

I had totally forgotten about SKG until you mentioned it in your post (and thanks for doing so!) Very Happy

When one thinks back, the timeless EAGLE was every bit a Trailways "trademark" bus, just as the SCENICRUISER was Greyhound's "trademark" bus (I always promised myself that I would ride one of the NJT Eagles some day, but never did. If memory serves me correctly, they were not in the NJT fleet all that long) Sad

Mom and I DID ride an EAGLE to Philadelphia from the PABT, though, back in 1969! Wink

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 6:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

NEW YORK OMNIBUS 2629 wrote:

Mom and I DID ride an EAGLE to Philadelphia from the PABT, though, back in 1969! Wink


Then you more than likely rode on my Company, at the time, Safeway Trails...part of Continental Trailways since 1965. Unless you happened to have ridden one of the four daily New York to Los Angeles trips via Philly, that the American Buslines division of Continental Trailways ran. Safeway ran over 40 daily NY to Philly trips!

I was a 'starter' at the Philly gates (15 and 17) at the time. ABL left from gate 21. I covered that gate, too, as well as the Norfolk gate, 19.
You could have taken ABL's 5 Star Luxury Service, which departed around 10:30 AM on a Golden Eagle, with hostess and snack service aboard....
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 8:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Thanks for sharing this info! Wink

I remember that Mom and I boarded at the PABT, and, when we got off at Philadelphia, the driver announced it was the "last stop".

So, you were a "starter" at Philly; maybe I even got a glimpse of you "on the job"! Wink

Dang, I was only 12, back in 1969........ Shocked

Mom, of course, in honor of our first "long bus trip", bought me a small tin friction "EAGLE" and an "EAGLE" postcard, in the station, both, of course, are now proudly displayed in my collection today...... Very Happy

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 11:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Here a few links that I think you'll enjoy...... Wink


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trailways_Transportation_System *(some NICE photos, here!)


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PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 7:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks, NYO--
I have driven all of those Adirondack, Pine Hill, and NYT buses pictured.. Smile
And there's a fair chance I rode in that ancient ('61 or '62 model?),
Eagle at one time or another in the late '60's.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 10:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


You drove ALL of those buses?? Shocked

NO WONDER your handle is "traildriver"! Wink

I took several "mini vacations" via DOMENICO with a buddy of mine from work (he NEVER stopped eating, which, for him, was nothing new!) in the early 1990's, and had a great time on each trip (my folks and I also took a DOMENICO "tour" back in late 1978, when we went to Florida)

The driver on the '78 trip, Bill Keane (VERY congenial guy!), after seeing I was into buses, asked for my home address and soon sent me a photo of the 4103 he drove back in the late 50's/early 60's, when he made a run up to Montreal!)

I always like their MCI's.Very Happy

Last trip was to Myrtle Beach (with a day trip to Charleston) in 1993; this trip was OUTSTANDING, in every sense of the word (then again, ALL my DOMENICO trips were!)

As a big Civil War buff, I really enjoyed Charleston; then, in 1992, we went to "Noo Awlins", and, of course, I had a BLAST with the streetcars (of course!), and, also, really enjoyed the classic jazz!

Our driver on that trip was Bill Lipscombe, who had family in the city, and was an expert on all things related to New Orleans jazz (he played some GREAT tapes for us, en route!)

The last trip I took, back in 1993 (Myrtle Beach) our driver was a jovial fellow who looked a lot like Sidney Poitier (my favorite actor, btw!); his name was Mark Driver, and he got a laugh from everyone aboard when he told us: "If you ever forget my last name, just remember what I do for a living!"

I still get a chuckle out of that!

Sadly, several years later, I learned that he had passed on, FAR too young. Sad

A VERY nice guy! Wink

When I was in Myrtle Beach, I came across an early EAGLE ("GOLDEN EAGLE") parked on a side street, near my hotel on the beachfront (of course, I took several photos....what a HANDSOME bus!)

It was being used by a church group; the bus was very well-kept.

Also, while in Charleston, at the famed Market, I picked up a number of Civil War collectibles and bus items for my collection, including several old GREYHOUND TT's, a small framed painting of a SILVERSIDES (front and rear views!) and a cast-iron "Silversides" (I was QUITE happy that day!)

On the way back to New Jersey (this might have been somewhere in Delaware?), while on the bus, I spied a SILVERSIDES and an Old Look, side by side, in a lot behind an old service station; both buses were a bit shabby, but certainly restorable (sure hope both buses went on to happier days!)

Ahhh, memories! Wink


Last edited by NEW YORK OMNIBUS 2629 on Thu Apr 30, 2020 1:45 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 11:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I didn't know any Domenico driver's, or other employees, other than Stanley Chodkiewicz ("Stosh"), who I knew when he came from being a garage helper at Domenico's Bayonne garage, to working for Safeway, as a dispatcher, in around 1970. I left them in late '71 when I moved 'out west', and returned to the bus business in NY, for Adirondck, in 1994. And lo and behold, who do you think the Chief Dispatcher for Adirondack in Kingston was? Yep...Stan. Very Happy
Sadly, like so many other's I used to know in the business, he passed on a few years ago...
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 1:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


So many........FAR too many......of the "old veterans" have left us for that big bus garage in the sky. Sad

On a happier note, I have a few quick questions for THE "trail driver"! Wink


When DOMENICO suddenly disappeared, what became of the fleet?

Any idea of who purchased the buses?

Of course, I do remember, when DOMENICO still operated commuter service (I never rode one of these, but do remember seeing them)


Back in the day, what GREYHOUND and TRAILWAYS routes between New York and New Orleans (also, New York and Atlanta) offered the most direct route(s)?

I am guessing that the 1950's/1960's era GREYHOUND stations at New Orleans (and Atlanta) have been replaced?

If no longer used, I hope at least one still stands, as a reminder of the Glory Days of long-haul bus travel.

Thanks in advance.......... Wink

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